Junan Panel Series began in 1989, based on Fujimura's experience of encountering Fumi-e, bronze stepping blocks used in 17th-18th century Japan to persecute Christians by Tokugawa magistrates. Fujimura encountered Fumi-e collection at Tokyo National Museum, and was profoundly affected by the experience. He wrote "Silence and Beauty" (IVPress, 2017) to describe his journey:
Fujimura served as a Special Advisor to Scorsese as well, and in the exhibit "Re-sonance" at High Line Nine Gallery in New York, he used a Fumi-e, a prop copy of the original Hagiwara (a bronze metalsmith who created the first twenty set in Nagasaki) Fumi-e, used on the set of "Silence" film, as part of the exhibit installation, and his Live Painting collaboration with composer, Percussionist Susie Ibarra.